
From Whom No Secrets Are Hid: Introducing the Psalms is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Psalms express the most elemental human emotions, representing situations in which people are most vulnerable, ecstatic, or driven to the extremities of life and faith. Many people may be familiar with a few Psalms, or sing them as part of worship. Here highly respected author Walter Brueggemann offers readers an additional use for the Psalms: as scripted prayers we perform to help us reveal...

they also do more than all that by doing all of it before God. Psalmic disclosure, that is, does not simply have an aura of the sacred about it, nor is it a kind of prayer; it is done in the very presence of the Sacred Itself, through the very patterns of prayer proper. The Psalms realize, manifest, and disclose not only the place where no secrets are hid but the God from whom they cannot be hidden. And so, despite the many helpful similarities among PostSecret, psychology, and the Psalms, and the
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